miércoles, 7 de septiembre de 2016


Group work: Biomes

Date for bringing information: September 20th
Date of the Presentation and written work: October 2nd

Prepare an oral presentation and a writen work presenting the following research about the __________ Biome:

1) On a world map, colour the area which corresponds to the biome.
2) Find about the following characteristics of the biome:
  • Climate: temperature, humidity, rainfall, fertility of the soil
  • Animals
  • Plants
3) Concentrate on one particular section inside this Biome: _______

a) In which continent is it? Which countries contain it?
b) How does this country /countries take advantage of the natural resources of the biome? Consider the following:
  • Agriculture
  • Cattle Breeding
  • Fishing or Hunting
  • Cutting down trees
  • Tourism
  • Fossil Fuel Extraction
c) Does this human activity affects the balance of the Ecosystem? 

4) Movie: Watch movie clips of the following movie: ___________
Find similarities between the movie and the characteristics of the biome.

Biomes and Ecosystems

What is a Biome?

A biome is a large area with a particular range of plants and animals which are adapted to survive in the climatic and geographic consitions of the area.
There can be different ecosystems within a biome.

What are the defining features of a biome?

The climate and geography of a region determine the kind of biome that exists.

What is an Ecosystem? 

An ecosystem describes a specific area where the organisms work together as a unit. It could be any size from a tiny pool of water to hundreds of square miles of desert. Each ecosystem is different and each has established a balance over time that is important to every form of life within the ecosystem.

BIOME MAP:  Book Page 23

miércoles, 3 de agosto de 2016

Video: The Seven Continents

Video (Youtube): "7 Continents of the World"


1) After watching the video "7 Continents of the World", write down three main characteristics of each of the continents related to climate or the animals, plants or population which inhabit them.

2) Label on a world map:

  • The 7 Continents
  • The Equator
  • The Greenwich meridian
  • The Tropics
  • The following water bodies:
    • South Pacific Ocean
    • North Pacific Ocean
    • South Atlantic Ocean
    • North Atlantic Ocean
    • Indian Ocean
    • Arctic Ocean
    • Southern Ocean

martes, 2 de agosto de 2016


What is Geography?

Geography is the science which deals with the Earth's surface. People who study geography are called geographers. Geographers are interested in the Earth's physical features, such as mountains, deserts, rivers and oceans. They are also interested in the ways in which people affect and are affected by the natural world.

The Earth

Planet Earth is one of the terrestial planets of the Solar System .By terrestrial planet we mean that Earth has a hard rocky surface. Around 70% of it's surface is covered in water.

The Earth revolves around the Sun and also spins on itself. The spinning makes the middle of the Earth (the Equator) bulge out slightly, making the Earth an oblate spheroid.

Locating a Point on the Earth

The simplest method for describing locations is to create a grid. A grid is a series of evenly spaced imaginary lines that intersect with one another at right angles. One set of lines are distributed across the globe horizontally, and one set of lines are distributed vertically.

Because the Earth is rotating around an imaginary axis, we can define a top and bottom. We call these the poles. The imaginary lines that extend from pole to pole are called meridians (or lines of longitude), while the lines that circle the globe horizontally are referred to as parallels (or circles of latitude).

Latitude is the angular distance of any object from the equator measured in degrees.
Longitude is the angular distance of any object from the Prime Meridian (located in Greenwich, England) measured in degrees.


A map is a two dimensional description of a specific area of land. Maps describe in a visual or graphic format certain key features of the territory being examined.

Maps are important tools and are indispensable to geographers. They help geographers understand in a visual way important things about the surface of the Earth.

PREZI: https://prezi.com/zlzb3wsojk4a/basics-world-map/